
Use It For Good

Steve Smith

Firehouse and Grow North Texas recently launched a campaign to urge residents in low-income neighborhoods near the Dallas Farmers Market to use their Lone Star card benefits (aka, SNAP) at the Market. Traditional grocery stores are pretty much…

Six Years of Making a Difference

Kelsey Keys

On Friday, October 28, we closed our agency doors for our 6th Annual Make a Difference Day. For the second year in a row, we paired up with Rebuilding Together, a nonprofit organization that transforms homes for veterans in need. We had the honor…

Five Years of Foos

Ashley Shadowens

It's hard to believe that this year marked our fifth-annual April Foos tournament. What began as a small foosball fundraiser has now grown into 20+ team tournament complete with specialty team uniforms, hand-made trophies and a little friendly…

Make a Difference Day 2015

Kelsey Keys

Once a year, we close our office doors and head out into the community for our annual Make a Difference Day. This year, we volunteered with Rebuilding Together, an organization that transforms homes for veterans in need. Frank Krawiec, the…